Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shameless: Season 1, Episode 10: Re-Cap

Well, it took a little longer than we I hoped for, but Monica is gone and thankfully she took “Bob” with her. We pick up episode 10 pretty much where we left off last week. Fiona is at Steve’s new pad, which is within an ear shot of the Gallagher home which makes things that much worse for Fiona as she can see Monica fail through the windows, rather than just imagine how she’s screwing up. While they don’t have a couch – Fiona does have a monitoring system set-up in Debs room where she instructs Debbie and Carl it’s time for bed.
Lip and Ian who each had really strong episodes this week, overheard Bob and Monica’s plan – even though it’s clear Bob is pulling the strings and Monica is the “Yes-girl” in the relationship. Bob and Monica swabbed Liam and dropped off his DNA sample in hopes of proving that he wasn’t Frank’s and that they could freely take him. In the meantime, the kids were stuck with Monica, while Fiona was stuck couch shopping with a new iPhone in her pocket that Steve gave her.

While I’m not sure whether I like Monica or Bob less, or hate them both equally – one positive if you can call it that, about Bob is that she has no interest in sticking around and she pretty much convinced Monica to leave, even though “flaky” Monica, as Fiona described her accurately thinks the kids “need her.” No, Monica – not only do they not need you, they don’t want you. Monica seems to be living in a bit of a delusional world.

While Lip doesn’t sucker punch Monica like he does to his father on occasion, including this episode – he on multiple occasions gave her a verbal slap in the face. He certainly isn’t “Broken-hearted” like Monica thinks. Meanwhile, Ian wants absolutely nothing to do with his mother, he seems to have a hard time just looking at her. Carl and Debs also cooled off on showing any sort of forgiveness to their mother this episode, kind of realizing that things are better with Fiona.   

Lip and Ian, both fiercely loyal are not letting Bob and Monica get away with taking Liam. They follow them, in a sweet Mercedes Steve let Lip borrow, and wait outside as Bob and Monica go in to pick-up the results. Lip and Ian know how things turned out when Bob comes out fuming – you would think she knew Liam more than like 48 hours the way she was going off. Here’s an idea – if you want to start a family so bad why don’t you do that? Adopt a baby who needs a home, don’t steal one from your former family – just a thought, there!

Monica called a family dinner for some reason, I don’t know maybe so she could fight with Frank more? Lip and Fiona confront Bob and Monica saying they know the paternity results, and reiterate that especially now, there is no way they’re leaving with baby Liam. As for those other paternity results, while Liam is Frank’s we found out Ian isn’t, but that most likely he is the son of one Frank’s brothers, which means … and just when you thought Monica couldn’t dip any lower.

In the end, Monica and Bob leave sans Liam in a very emotional final scene, where Fiona didn’t say anything to her mother, but she didn’t have to. 

Monica and Bob aside, plenty else happened this week too, including the demise of the clown paraphernalia (I’ve been waiting a long time for that!) It was the big night as Eddie and Karen went off to the purity ball, which turned out to be even stranger than I imagined it would. It started off fine and all, until it was Karen’s turn to list her “transgressions.” That of course led to more than a couple of dropped jaws and Eddie calling his daughter out as a whore. Besides Karen taking out the clowns, Sheila was so pissed at Eddie she chased him right out of the house. Tony the cop reappeared this week as well and it was Fiona who broke the news to him that Steve would be a neighborhood fixture. Tony then apparently drove around town in search of Steve to congratulate him and tell him Fiona’s a “Good girl” – thanks there, Tony!

Other Observations:
  • This is the second time in three episodes that Sheila has left the house, are her days as an agoraphobic almost over?
  • No mention of the Steve/Jimmy storyline this week, how long can Debs keep quiet for?
  • I really hope we don’t see Monica and Bob again … but that’s unlikely
  • Hopefully we get to meet Frank’s brothers at some point, very curious to see what they’re like
  • How bad do you feel for Ian? When he told Lip he had a lot going on he meant it, and that was before the paternity results came in…
  • One of my favorite things about this episode is that we got a large look at that bond between Lip and Ian, they’re so open and comfortable with each other, they have a really special trust and really do tell each other everything …
  • How awkward is Tony the cop? Every conversation he has in uncomfortable – it’s like, dude Fiona isn’t into you, get over it
  • This week’s most Shameless behavior award goes to Frank for setting up “The accident” … even though it hurt, I bet there was a part of Carl that liked it
  • The Ian and Mickey scene was really well done I thought, you can tell Mickey isn’t all tough like he portrays, he’s a real interesting character, hopefully he doesn’t beat the Jello stealer into submission and gets out soon
  • Well, it’s pretty clear Monica’s easily impressionable, she did the right thing … it was a rough two weeks but in the end all is right again in the Gallagher house
  • My only concern – do we think maybe, just maybe Frank and Monica are still attracted to each other?

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