Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shameless: Season 1, Episode 7: Re-Cap

I have a way for the Gallagher clan to make some serious money, go into event planning. They do it all, from fake weddings to fake funerals. This week, Frank while preparing for a hobo wrestling match was inspired by the homeless smoothie man, to fake his death like smoothie man had (and obviously that worked out well for him, based on where he was now in life.)

Frank decided to go the fake death route to finally get those goons off his butt, because there was no way he was finding $6,000 in a day. Even though we did learn Frank has been spending, per the President’s request. Of course, Frank had been spending money that he didn’t actually have for booze, drugs, and new televisions for the Alibi Room, while using the names of his children.

Most of the Gallagher kids were in on the fake death from the start, enthusiastically may I mention. Lip and Kev swiped a Hearse with a casket included, Debs bargained meat for clothes with the laundry lady, and Carl stole flowers from pop-up memorials around town. Fiona however, was not in on the plan at first as she returned home from a night away with Steve, one she had to be convinced heavily to take. Fiona was just starting to feel comfortable with the idea that nothing had happened overnight when she walked up to house to see the hearse parked outside. 

The other Gallagher who spent the previous night away from home was little Liam who was babysat by none other than Sheila who enjoyed her role as babysitter, with the exception of one little incident which led to Sheila leaving the house attached to a rope of sheets – a monumental moment on Shameless, for sure.

This was a particularly meaty episode, literally and figuratively as Lip, Ian, and Mandy came across a truck driver broken down in their neighborhood. In typical Gallagher fashion they deceived and the rewards were grand. There was enough meat in the back of that truck to feed the entire south side of Chicago that night, as evidenced by the rapid run on barbeque sauce and charcoal at Kash and Grab.

That wasn’t all that happened at the Kash and Grab this week though. We learned that Kash pulled a gun on Mickey, but not surprisingly he wussed out and Mickey swiped the gun. It’s amazing that this guy apparently has some kind of conscience in certain scenarios. Anyhow, that set off quite the chain of events, Linda hooked the security cameras back up catching Ian and Kash, who were under the impression they were not being filmed. The other interesting development is that not only is Kash now in a love Triangle, but so is Ian. Ian went to the Malkovich household, crowbar in hand and while he left with the stolen gun, he got even more than he came for.

In the end, the goons were gone, Sheila made it out and back in the house alive, Linda is getting herself another baby, and the Gallagher’s made it through a night without Fiona. Now it’s time to start paying off that inherited debt.

Other Observations and Comments:
  • Like last week, another really strong episode from start to finish  
  • Curious to see how Sheila progresses in the week’s ahead, will she be shopping for that Indian food in no time? Too early to tell…
  • Speaking of which, after seeing that picture of Sheila and Karen I’m curious if it will ever come out what led to Sheila’s agoraphobia
  • While Fiona is the glue of the Gallagher family, hopefully she is starting to realize she needs and can take a night off every once in a while
  • Steve’s really got cash flowing from his ass doesn’t he?
  • Curious to see how the Ian-Kash-Mickey triangle develops, and the role Mandy plays moving forward
  • Definitely felt bad for Linda, but also a little for Ian – not so much for Kash
  • Lost a little bit in this deep episode was the news that V and Kev are “renting” a foster child, now that should be interesting!
  • While each Gallagher is shameless in their own special way, Frank is head and heels above the others as the most Shameless character, let me know – am I right?
  • That’s all for this week I’m hungry for a slab of meat now!     

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